Haha.. ok.. this entry is a little slower than the usual 1 week update whenever i book out.. but there's a gd reason for that.. simply being I DIDN'T BOOK OUT!!
wtf.. kena guard duty for some stupid event.. you think i can see well without glasses ah? how the fcuk do you think i can see some person walk behind my back as well..
Yea.. and its right after Field camp too where i had guard duty.. its a little sucky.. but overall i guess it wasn't so bad even if i didn't book out.
Ahh.. field camp.. If given the chance to do it again.. I wouldn't xD
I guess it was quite ok.. Although it was dem shack-aning.. and a number of my clothes will now forever look and smell different (trust me.. its not just the outside clothing.. but those inside as well) But there were a number of memorable moments.. The very first night was an interesting experience.. The art of walking in the dark proved to be a challenge to some ppl, as they tripped on any of the slightest uneven object on the ground.. Many were reluctant to leave the security of their torchlight. I on the other hand.. am more likely to trip because I was too focused on other stuff.. rather than because of irregular footing =P
haha.. It was only out in the dark there, that I realised how many stars were above Singapore.. Typically, the city lights would obscure their faint glimmer.. but they were always there.. only invisible to our naked eye then. That wasn't the only night performance.. I was bedazzled by a troupe of fireflies, playfully mimicing the star's winks as they wisp about us during our night training. Also, we got tho see how a trip-flare looks like in the night =P i bet Elf was somewhere inside that OCS cadet unit watching it too..
other things to note about the out-field, is that the ground is like super muddy (think slippery too) the toilet is disgusting (bloody flies everywhere.. drop a bomb in there and they'll all come after you) and the mozzies are insanely.. well.. insane =X (they can even frigging bite through our long-sleeved uniforms!) the insect repellent we were given as defence against them.. seems corrosive too.. my fren dropped a bit of it on his black tape.. and now the tape can't be used anymore xD queerness..
my one biggest regret through the course of this field camp might be that I lost both my pair of gloves during the camp.. and as a result, both my hands, elbows and knees are patterened with scrathches, bruises, cuts and wounds alike.. Ahh.. the women of S'pore.. Do you not know the trials the men of valour go through for you?
i think i'll re-edit this post later to add on stuff during guard duty and the following week.. but for now.. i think my fingers are itching for some gaming action =P cyas!
Hey you! yes.. you over there!! =P If this describes you, you should consider dropping by this bloggie over here!! =D
where my friend Clara is selling shoes she designs at a cheap price!!!
zOMG.. just take a look!!
"At Sashaay, a plain white pair of canvas shoes is transformed to a pair of hip and trendy hand-drawn sneakers!!"
Kewl huh? both these canvas shoes are designed and hand-painted by her.. haha.. do support her business cuz she's doing it out of passion rather than profits.. so the designed shoes she sells are pretty much close to the cost price of making them (about $20 for the shoes itself, and $10 for the materials and delivery)!
i even ordered one for myself! (the one on the right.. cuz it fits the company name "Dragon" which i'm from inside the army xD)
haha.. gosh la.. i'd be so interested in trying this out myself sometime.. but army life is really eating all that time up.. i guess thats another thing to put on my "what to do when i get out of NS" list =P heehee.. do show her some support k? and if you refer my name when you place an order.. who knows? you might just get a discount xD heehee.. (PS: you can also order through me if you like.. personally.. i believe this is a form of art, that could strike it big sometime in the future)
Haha.. ok.. i've done my publicising bit for her.. i hope she's happy =P remember.. the website to visit is..
Haha.. ok.. i'm back after 4 weeks of camp.. and i think i finally am beginning to recover from my illness.. =) yay! finally can go out and PARTY!! xD (ok la.. not that kua.. but i did manage to go out for a movie ;) haha..)
Went out on friday with ShengYi and her classmate Nat.. to catch Death Note2!! lolz.. it was sorta a trade, that we went to watch a movie i wanted in exchange for her to see me in my army hairstyle =S ahh well.. despite what ppl may say about it.. i think the 2nd movie was quite decently done. maybe i'm just saying that cuz i read the whole manga already.. so i already knew how the death note works xD but thankfully they watched the 1st movie.. my voice was kinda crappy that day, so it would have been torture trying to explain everything from the start =X
Haha.. managed to get neoprints with her too! aww.. so cute xD i guess thats my little gift to her for getting company for me =) and.. for signing her name on my Death Note.. wahahha..
ah well.. my voice is slowing coming back.. for that i'm glad. I'm almost bursting with things to say.. even hart exclaimed that "kns, thats alot of crap from you tonight" xD wahahaha.. i guess my character has been suppressed quite a bit during this time =P
Army is dem funny.. esp with my bunk mates.. got one crazy idiot, wear swimming trunks can change into G-string.. and can also test your hearing abilities for various distances..
"HEY CB!!!" means he went next door
"Hey Cb!!" means he in section 3
"hey cb!" means he went section 4
"Knock it down!" means kena punishment from sergeant xD
ahh.. sian.. book in in about 2 hours for me.. and i haven't started packing my bag.. =X ah well.. guess i better get to doing that now.. heehee =P you guys take care ya? Happy New Year to you all ;)
my new year's resolution.. i guess is to become more adjusted to army life.. and perhaps shine in the brightest way possible =P Cheers my friends!
Haha.. its the new year already.. and i'm still sick.. oh wells..
mostly.. i've been sleeping.. and playing auditions and dota these few days.. nothing much has changed since i entered army it seems.. except that i've now got more ppl to talk to on msn =P
the 1st 2 weeks there were quite slack.. the only impt thing then was how to address ppl, and how to care for your rifle and utilise it effectively. the rest just fell in place after all that. oh btw, i named my rifle "Me'Hartie a.k.a BOOMstick" after the girl i met in auditions.. i wonder how she is now =P haha..
so yea.. i'm proud to say i've lost 5kg (even though the NS weighing machine only reads it as 0.5kg) and that i've got nice frens all abt me =P thank you everyone for those little prezzies i got for Xmas! i hope you like mine too!!
other then that.. i have to refrain from talking abt the millitary.. its all hush hush stuff ya know? like those posters during the british war periods telling you abt how a few loose words could cost a war =P
hope i haven't said too much yet =X ah well..
(booking in 2nd Jan tuesday 1900)