Haha.. ok.. this entry is a little slower than the usual 1 week update whenever i book out.. but there's a gd reason for that.. simply being I DIDN'T BOOK OUT!!
wtf.. kena guard duty for some stupid event.. you think i can see well without glasses ah? how the fcuk do you think i can see some person walk behind my back as well..
Yea.. and its right after Field camp too where i had guard duty.. its a little sucky.. but overall i guess it wasn't so bad even if i didn't book out.
Ahh.. field camp.. If given the chance to do it again.. I wouldn't xD
I guess it was quite ok.. Although it was dem shack-aning.. and a number of my clothes will now forever look and smell different (trust me.. its not just the outside clothing.. but those inside as well) But there were a number of memorable moments.. The very first night was an interesting experience.. The art of walking in the dark proved to be a challenge to some ppl, as they tripped on any of the slightest uneven object on the ground.. Many were reluctant to leave the security of their torchlight. I on the other hand.. am more likely to trip because I was too focused on other stuff.. rather than because of irregular footing =P
haha.. It was only out in the dark there, that I realised how many stars were above Singapore.. Typically, the city lights would obscure their faint glimmer.. but they were always there.. only invisible to our naked eye then. That wasn't the only night performance.. I was bedazzled by a troupe of fireflies, playfully mimicing the star's winks as they wisp about us during our night training. Also, we got tho see how a trip-flare looks like in the night =P i bet Elf was somewhere inside that OCS cadet unit watching it too..
other things to note about the out-field, is that the ground is like super muddy (think slippery too) the toilet is disgusting (bloody flies everywhere.. drop a bomb in there and they'll all come after you) and the mozzies are insanely.. well.. insane =X (they can even frigging bite through our long-sleeved uniforms!) the insect repellent we were given as defence against them.. seems corrosive too.. my fren dropped a bit of it on his black tape.. and now the tape can't be used anymore xD queerness..
my one biggest regret through the course of this field camp might be that I lost both my pair of gloves during the camp.. and as a result, both my hands, elbows and knees are patterened with scrathches, bruises, cuts and wounds alike.. Ahh.. the women of S'pore.. Do you not know the trials the men of valour go through for you?
i think i'll re-edit this post later to add on stuff during guard duty and the following week.. but for now.. i think my fingers are itching for some gaming action =P cyas!