Its 10/10/10...
I guess that in itself is deserving enough to have post of its own? =P
Not sure why.. but the thought of some people crossed my mind recently.. Like.. People whom I spent New year's Eve with earlier this year.. How I totally sucked at guitar back then.. but got a lot better since.. xD
And how my life kinda revolved around FB.. and how my life used to be before..
How things were different from how they are now.. How I've changed from how i had been..
Yes, some parts I'm not so proud about.. But now that I've come to that realisation.. I can make a change.. Right? =)
Its not gonna be easy.. But, I believe it IS Possible..
Its like how I've been making these AMVs over the past week.. None of them had a clear idea in mind.. but I knew the direction the whole video would take..
To the time for being emo is over.. Its time to kick this bad attitude in its behind, and cheer up right? =)
I believe that's where my shine was.. Something I've been trying to find for the past while.. the past few years even..
I guess that's why we were given 2 eyes.. One to keep track of the present.. and the other of the Future.. The past.. I'd leave to my older days to look back upon.. =)
Lord I'm doing.. All I can..
To be a Better Man..