I can almost feel it..
In 1month, + 1 hour, and i'd be breathing a different kind of air!! Omgs.. i've been waiting for this moment for so long.... >__<
So, in order not to waste anytime when the moment arrives, i shld make use of the time now to do some planning ahead right? hehe... i wonder what'd be amongst the 1st things i'd do..
I guess one of the things on the list, would involve hair.. my days as a teenager is fast approaching an end, and i kinda wanna try doing something to it before its over xD Hehe, as a result of the Cosplay event earlier this year, i've been debating whether to make it Blonde or Titanium White to fit the characters i've been wanting to cosplay! but well, on hindsight now.. cosplay is only for a day or 2.. and those colours with permanent dye would just start to look weird once my black hair starts to grow out again.. so i shld pick something a little more complimentary right? well, been giving it some thought today.. brown is a little too common, red and orange too striking for my liking.. so which colour is the one for me?!?! Haha, like a smack to the face, the answer was glaring fiercely at me in that bus ride.. kinda literally actually, cuz the guy standing beside me had a metalic glint to his hair, and the sun was kinda reflected off it =P makes sense? NO! Makes Dollars!! (i made a funny pun =O and it perfectly describes metals too.. xD ) haha.. so racing through the various potential metalic colours that'd fit black.. i decided a Bronze/Copper-tone would be best! (at least, its a colour i'd like too =P ) its not boring like brown, and it shld strike a select crowd of ppl.. well.. maybe not completely metallic.. an Ashen brown with a copper-tint would go well.. maybe i could add some streaks of silver to it too~!! its called highlighting isn't it? ahhhhh.. just thinking about it makes me go.. **Kakoii~!** (faints)
besides, that guy who's hair i was staring at.. (the hair mind you, not the guy =XX ) he had some "wisdom hair" too xD although the white seems to have absorbed the metallic colouring.. and became little dispersed kind of shiny bits.. the effect was quite pleasing to the eye i must add =O
doh.. i shldn't have asked the barber to cut my hair so short today T_T how do i grow out a reasonable length back to canvas out this masterpiece i've imagined out in my head!! sad-ed.. screw the rules! i'm not cutting my hair any shorter than it is now till i'm outta here! unless, someone can introduce me to some miracle ginseng hair tonic to re-grow hair faster? =D
guess not.. =T
Well, on the note of change.. a new wardrobe would be nice too.. but that'd require lotsa $$ on hand.. since i'd be officially unemployed soon, that might be a slight problem too.. although my initial drive for finding a job is dashed (Since its kinda obvious now the nihon plans are kinda ruined thnx to my study plans T^T ) there's always seem to be another reason to work it seems.. But since its beginning to look alot like Xmas, this shld be but a minor inconvenience.. deshou?
Life's been too dull in general the past years.. its time to change all that.. Starting afresh, living anew.. Haha... time to catch up on the youth i missed out on all this time ya? ^^ matta ne!?