Anime Festival Asia was (Love)... Hehe.. in case you're wondering.. this is a classmate of mine from those Jp lessons i'm now taking.. whom i just started talking to not long before the AFA event!! =P kawaii ne? sono neko mimi-s ? xD And this pic was taken on the 1st day, notice the similar armband on our shoulders? lol!! i knew i had to take this picture no matter what cuz of that =P apparently she rmb-ed me.. and we got along quite well after exchanging PM-s on sgcafe =) So yups! just wanted to dedicate the rest of the space here to a couple of ppl.. Haha~!! gosh, can't wait for the next cosplay event already!!
at least for the most part.. I rmb-ed why I enjoyed Cosplay again.. somehow ppl seem to know your name (or rather, your character's name =P ) Haha.. strangely, this all was a result cuz i made a call to Jas/Hel, asking if they were interested in Cosplaying on sun.. what started out as a joke, apparently got momentum.. and before i knew it.. i was already packing the stuff for the cosplay, and planning where to get a new blue shirt =X oh well.. it was well worth it, considering all the nice pictures i got of the day =P
The Gundam Exia~!! haha.. my 1st thought after my fren sent me this pic was.. "Hey.. doesn't this look like how they portray a gundam pilot and his gundam? =O " yea.. i know i know.. i shld differenciate reality from fantasy ya? =P
Haha.. this is actually one of my favourite pictures from the event! Not everyday you see a Cosplayer Cosplaying a Character Cosplaying another Cosplayable character do you? =D okies, if you didn't get what i said, nvm.. Simply put its a Konata cosplaying Haruhi xD Kawaii ne~?!