Happy birthday to me =)
hehe.. i realised its a little hard to sleep early on a birthday.. at 12.00 midnight sharp, i was awoken to blinking lights and strong vibrations from my half-working phone on the floor.. strange though, cuz usually i don't notice it.. Guess what? it was an overseas call from Beiqin =P gosh.. and if i had missed that one.. i'm sure my inbox would have been flooded by now cuz of her xD haha.. she actually planned her time over there just to give me a call.. how sweet huh? =) that made me really happy.. even though i was only half-awake during the whole conversation =p (during which.. i was vaguely aware of all the sms-es ppl were sending me at the same time.. i think i got abt 8 of them during the space of 12-12.30? x) )
well.. couldn't sleep that well for some reason.. perhaps my mind was a little too flooded with things i wanted to do for this december.. but still, i managed to enjoy the rest of the day =) left early in the morning to collect the shirts i ordered online, and managed to get the twins out to catch a movie. yayness!! xD Then while in the horrendously long queue to get the tickets, i saw this vaguely familiar face some distance behind.. GOSH!! its that guy from S4 department in my camp!! =X well.. since he did look all lonely catching a movie by himself, i graciously invited him to join the 3 of us to catch a movie together =P
And the movie of the week is, Alvin and the Chipmunks!! haha.. quite a childish show again (i wonder why i keep watching these =X ) but still it was worth a good laugh..