Hehe.. i realised i haven't been faithful to my blog for a long time.. really sorry for the readers who pop by and find nothing new =X
anyways.. was talking about guard duty the last time.. and there are some happenings that could really be deemed the work of spiritual forces =P While patrolling the premises at night.. there are some parts where the roads are lit by just a single row of lamp-posts.. Its kinda creepy when you walk down a treet.. and the lamp overhead suddenly just flickers off.. leaving you in a patch of darkness at 2am in the morning.. you try to comfort yourself saying "ok nvm.. the lamp ahead still has light" as you quicken your steps towards it..
Suddenly.. it too dies on you..
Your heart pounds faster as you race with your buddy towards the third lamp further away.. It's still shining... looking back.. the two previous lamps now seem ok as they light up again.. you pause a moment to catch your breath..
Then.. just when you thought all was safe.. The third lamp, the one you were just under.. forsakes you to the darkness........
This was the scenario me and my guard duty buddy Sunesh went through =P hahaha.. the interesting thing is neither of us scared.. my case would have been i was just too sleepy to care.. (while guard personals are allowed to sleep.. the sleep comes in breaks of 4hours.. with 2 hours of guard duty in between.. so it isn't exactly restful sleep)
oh ya.. someone remind me to collect shoe polish from the other guard duty personals? bloody hell.. they must have had nothing to do in between guardings.. my kiwi finished the fastest in that one night, than in my entire BMT stay so far.. next time tell them to polish their own boots with their hair man.. some buggers really dunno how to be considerate *sigh*