Guess what?
The 1st day of performance is Over!! xD haha.. i think i did ok.. But i'm sure it could be better.. if only i could intepret how the conductor is swaying his hands to keep the beat.. its confusing to both me and Joey =/
anyways, i guess i was a bit nervous when i had to start off the piece.. my entire face flushed red i'm sure.. but it left a feeling of adreneline rush.. an estascy, akin to that when i perform for drama =P come to think of it, this is my first time playing such a major part for CO =X hahaha... guess i can't be too demanding on the outcome..
Anyways, got another performance for CO tmr, and my drama would all be next week =P i really want more ppl to come watch me perform.. or at least, i would once i'm confident i'd do a good job =p gonna ask some CO ppl to see if i can find any consensus ;) hees.. Wish me luck for my performances kk?